welcome to this wonderful world we live in
where goddesses and gods have danced their last dance
though dogma still haunts the corners of the real world
everyday magic sparkles to provide, protect and thrill outright
the beauty of the universe waves its natural wand
revealing vast libraries of amazing mysteries
inaccessible to ancient soul interpretations
but at the ready in the biomolecular alchemy of the mind
the zen of a movie shared with a friend
casting a spell of emotional comprehension
while novels build fantastic worlds overnight
stage actors deliver nuance with verbal dynamite
blind faith and supernatural secrets
bump their head on scientific insight
the ancient walls of runic dustiness
glimmer rainbows when painted with wisdom and light
kisses and conversation stir the elixir of life
no angels needed to conjure up delight
for these reasons and infinite more
everyday magic turns our imaginations bright
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