Thursday, November 21, 2024

Coping with the Coming Shitstorm

As we approach a four year stretch of likely authoritarian governance, we must do all what we can to cope. We must cope not only for our own psychological sanity, but also for the good of our communities and for ongoing, incremental  gains toward global world progress. Yes it's a tall order, especially given the challenges at all levels.

Although we must not turn away from the fact that our country right now would rather see a convicted felon, rapist and generally unethical human being at the helm than a woman of color wielding positive human values and level-headed leadership. Thus, as the new Republican administration takes their wrecking ball to American regulatory institutions and human rights we must do all that we can to cope. To be sure this is easier said than done, still here are my thoughts.

Pay attention to your own psychological self care. If you're anything like me, the mere mention of the Republican's cult leader is triggering. Still, we are no good for others if we aren't attentive to our own bodies and minds. Consider waking up to joyful music, a word puzzle, or an extended peek at nature. 

You might also include mindfulness exercises throughout the day which can center the mind on a positive path forward. Simply taking a minute to enjoy the act of breathing, to connect with the body's sensations, and to be in the moment  can recharge the self. Eating healthy and staying active will also go a long way to creating good energy for the self.

One of the big challenges we face is handling the information deluge. Yes it is good to stay informed, but exposing ourselves to the endless flood of emotionally charged news, rampant misinformation and unuseful rants, even as a catharsis, I find, is counterproductive. Better to scan the headlines, and carefully READ the details from reliable journalistic sources like NPR, The Economist, and the BBC, always keeping our fact checking, critical thinking skills engaged. To this end avoid getting into emotional exchanges with friends. Encourage gentler discussions of meaningful topics to plant the seed for healing and participating in grass root efforts. 

Grass root efforts is where it is at. As individuals we can plug into existing progressive organizations and communities that espouse like-minded positions that are well-reasoned and compassionate. Strengthening goodness within our social circles will make things tolerable. Marginalized people will be needing our support, so volunteer where you can. Of course, we all have limited time, so consider making extra contributions to the organizations you find most positive that fight for the bigger state, national and global issues that concern you most.

As the Republican administration seems to trample on positive ethics, the temptation will be to double down on escapism. Video gaming, streaming shows, fiction reading, etc.,  all have a place, still consider being mindful of your selections, and let your choices not just recharge you when you by losing yourself in them, but also inspire you as you notice their deeper themes of pursuing peaceful, rewarding connections with other humans and all of Earthlings.

In a technological world, it is too easy to succumb to virtual experiences. Connect with like minded folks in real world activities that remind you of the planet's wonder and the thrill of existing. Part of the progressive mojo is to be curious, compassionate, and creative on a daily basis in our lives. Explore a new hobby, read a mindful non-fiction book, watch a nature documentary and discuss the ideas with others. Stay clear of the cult-like appeals that return to nonsensical tradition and supernatural promises. 

Not only as Americans, but also as humans, we must strive to be better to grow our ethical world view ever more, each day. Yes, we have a four year burning jungle to work our way through, but along the way, and beyond, we can make each step full of radiating kindness and thoughtful action. In that way, we will rise victorious and bloom as good people no matter what else happens around us.