Friday, June 26, 2015

Eat, Drink, Be Merry!

Humans, as living creatures, are biological engines.  We may take for granted the required slow burn of molecular fuel that occurs at the cellular level, but the acquisition of the necessary oxygen, food and water is constantly on our minds.

Air and water are generally the most straight forward to acquire. On the other hand, gathering and preparing a daily supply of nutritious food has historically been a greater challenge.  As such our evolution and culture have guided us toward putting skills, time and effort to task to assemble food supplies for ourselves and our communities. 

That group effort  has engendered the quintessential acts of acquiring, baking and breaking bread together, all in social celebration. Whether laughing with friends at a grill-out, conversing with family over a casserole, or flirting with a romantic interest eating tapas, the human spirit glows all the more when sharing sustenance in good company. 

Communicating with Food: Iteration 1.7
(La Tomatina c/o

Sure, in the past, our survival may have relied on animal products to nourish our rising human communities.  In the present, modern plant agricultural technology alone could support complete healthy fueling of the billions of our species were we to commit the most humane path. Perhaps in the far future, synthesis of tasty fuel for all homo sapiens will be accomplished without harvesting a single living organism. Regardless, I hope eating alongside friends and family, both new and old, will remain part of what makes us human.

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