Layered upon
Earth 1.0's physical properties,
Earth 2.0's biological properties delivered a planet thriving with life. The thriving panoply of life has changed gradually over billions of years driven by natural selection within a sphere of physical circumstance. As such, live became ever more diverse in its individual and group structure and behavior, living characteristics that were passed down via genetic programming. At some point in the process, neurological systems in some species became complex enough to enable the communication of wisdom to the next generation external to genetics. The opening of this communication path represents the birth of memetic information exchange.
Leaping Forward With Memes |
To illustrate this information exchange let's take a look at a real world example. A cougar is a physical aggregation of molecules, each molecule stable in its own right; however if only molecular physical properties were at work (Earth 1.0), you would have a disorganized, wet pile of matter. With biological properties engaged (Earth 2.0), a variety of molecules are organized via genetic causality into cells and those cells are organized into systems which complete the form of the cougar we know; moreover, that living form has a baseline of instinctual autonomy towards regulating metabolism, acquiring food, reproducing, et al as needed to live, survive and thrive. However, as a creature of some intelligence, the cougar has the ability to learn, and at least limitedly to pass on its acquired knowledge (Earth 3.0) in categories such as hunting technique, hiding technique and socializing technique. This memetic transfer of knowledge is especially beneficial to its offspring, and inherently helps perpetuate the genetic line.
Matter, Genes and Memes at Work |
Importantly, these layers of physical, biological and memetic properties have overlapped over the eons in numerous ways in a multitude of living species leading to the present day. Humans, therefore, were not the first species to share wisdom from one generation to the next using memetic information exchange, they simply have become the first to master this transfer of knowledge. In developing knowledge seeking and sharing technology (language systems, education systems, investigation systems) the human species has been able to share learned ideas, both concrete and abstract, with high resolution to future generations.
Because of this the Earth has become a world dominated by a populous human society wielding its implementations of a myriad of memetic information systems. Agricultural technology, medical technology, transportation technology, resource acquisition technology, economic technology, media communications technology, the list goes on an on. Each line of memetically shared knowledge has help fuel the global explosion in human species success, currently more than seven billion strong. Importantly, this large human population disproportionately influences the globe in numerous ways.
A Glimpse of the Viral Success of Human Meme Mastery |
The survival culture of humanity has both intentionally and unintentionally targeted its own success as its primary objective. It is worth noting that ethical systems that target other objectives have been pursued in part by human subpopulations, however, these objectives have been largely secondary to the pursuit of human proliferation and human well being for all of human history.
Earth 3.0, a planet ruled by the physical presence of living human culture, is in full effect at the moment. I propose that Earth 3.1 lies in the relatively near future. Over the next thousand years human ethical systems have the potential to be refined and implemented effectively on a global scale, not only for the benefit of humankind, but for the well being of the planet as a whole.
Welcome to the launch of The Millennium Vision.
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